How does Payleadr integrate with my other software platforms?

We have made it easy for you to integrate the sale and management of Payleadr memberships, subscriptions and payment plans with the other software platforms that you use in your business!

Accounting Systems

We provide you with the ability to add your unique customer identifier/reference number to any plan created on the Payleadr platform.  To do this, simply 'Edit' a customers plan:

Once you have done this, the customer reference number is included in all settlement reports (in CSV and PDF) that accompany each payout to your nominated bank account.  The CSV reports can be imported into your accounting software to assist you with account reconciliation.

Simple Salon

Payleadr has partnered with Simple Salon to provide all Simple Salon clients with seamless integrated membership functionality.  This means that Payleadr memberships, subscriptions and payment plans can be sold and managed directly from the Simple Salon platform.

The following video provides an overview of how to connect Simple Salon to Payleadr:

The following video provides an overview of how to create and customise memberships in Simple Salon:


The following video provides an overview of how to link your Payleadr memberships, subscriptions and payment plans with your Phorest software: